Oundle Vintage Festival is a one day event that opens at 10am and closes at 4pm although the Teddy Bear Parachuting will run 4-5pm.
The schedule for the Performance Stage throughout the day from 11am can be found HERE.
Going Vintage
It’s more fun if you ‘dress to impress’! We look forward to seeing many of you on 18th May dressed in your choice of vintage attire, although it is certainly not compulsory. However you are dressed, we look forward to seeing you at Oundle Vintage Festival.
The Festival is set within the central streets of Oundle which are to be closed off to traffic for the day. You are advised to park on the streets or regular car town parks (if you arrive early) or use the festival parking areas – see map below. To get to Oundle set your Sat Nav to: PE8 4DB
For ease of access to the larger festival parking areas, it is best to enter Oundle form the A605 roundabout and over the North Bridge.
When you have arrived make your way on foot to the town centre and then discover the attractions and entertainments spread out over the central three streets of the town. The event is NOT ticketed and is FREE to enter.
We have been hampered by all the wet weather this year which has ruled out our main regular parking field. As a result we are offering visitors the use use of various smaller car parks, as well as any on-street parking that may be found. Our advice is to plan ahead and look to arrive at a designated car park, or to park with consideration on the town’s streets. N.B. All parking is FREE (apart from at Barnwell Country Park £3.50) – but donations in buckets are appreciated!
Road Blocks & One Way System
The following roads will close to traffic from 6am to 6pm
- New Street
- The Market Place
- West Street
A One Way System will operate 6am to 6pm on:
- South Road
- Milton Road